"I probably won't start on the idea, and if I do it will wind up being an unfinished project on my personal website featuring pictures of my cat." rh2600 on /.

It's starting again.

Lorem ipsum foldaxus noct hassus virum cant sofor. Holdus matto forcen nunc habei orattus Julius votto. Aten Virum deis filium noct hasnal detrus. Ando siphol mon haec alia statum kolnea, seb allum hajec frisius. Voltun caeraei et Hibernum sunt, id jactae failum sonus.

I can't blame boredom this time, for once in my life I seem to have more than enough to do. But I've been two years without a web page to call my own and I think it's time to get off the stick.

Once again this collection of pages will neither save the world nor feed the hungry; clothe the lame or give out beads to people on the street. I'm writing because, it seems, I need to write, and the moving hand having writ, it's not going to be doing a lot of spellchecking. I promise that I'll try to write. I can't promise that you'll want to read it.

Collections of wit, wisdom, and random musings are what I'm aiming for. Oh and links. You know, hyperlinks. It might even turn into a Dead Milkmen Tribute Page with animated dead cows. Mind you, I'm quite fond of the Dead Milkmen.


This is stuff I've written of late...

and these are links you could follow...

3,000 words

Tables bad

Valid XHTML 1.1!


Thought for the

You don't ever experience the same thing in the same way twice. But you can control the intensity with which you experience it, just by paying better attention.

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