"Please, quit embarassing yourself. It is quite apparent you are nothing but a newbie yourself. You don't know enough to be teaching anything to anybody. You are merely promoting practices that make the web a crappy place to be for a lot of people. What you are advertising could even be illegal in some parts of the world, where accessible web sites are the law."
-- kchayka, in alt.html.critique


This is the third time I've tried to build a website. The first, which displayed rather nicely under Mosaic version 0.8, had to be taken off of our corporate server due to concerns with the word "misanthrope." That was somewhere around 1993, though, and at that point there were only eight people and a goat named Vincent on the Web. All the cool people were surfing Archie.

I put up a site with my ISP, Concentric, after moving back to Philadelphia. Although my sister was pretty much the only person who ever read it I had fun playing with HTML and Java applets. I also had the Hall o' Attitude, a page about bourbons I have known and a Dead Milkmen page.

So here it is, 2003 and I'm starting over. I still am writing mostly for myself, learning how to effectively use CSS and XHTML 1.1 and also just getting down on magnetic media some of my thoughts and ideas. The urge to put the bourbon page back is just about irresistable, so when I get some free time...


This site has been put together with love and tender care using tools so crude they'd make a neanderthal blush. Mostly vi for editing, mostly the GIMP for images. Props to fatcow for not having me thrown off yet. And as Katy said all those years ago, people should listen to more Motörhead.

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