family news

To our family and friends,

As winter rolls around again we are pleased to say that we are healthy and happy and settling into 17 Beverly Ave.

This year with the frequent rains and pleasant weather we were able to work on all the outdoor projects that 2002's drought prevented. Ginny did the planning and Bill the heavy lifting and we wound up with some lovely beds and displays. We also, with a lot of help from the family, tore out the old patio and put in a new one. We've mulched everything so they'll get a good winter's rest and we're hoping for a lovely spring.

Ginny is teaching eighteen wonderful first graders this year - one of her smaller classes but filled with its own challenges and joys. Bill marked his seven-year anniversary at the credit union by becoming Cisco certified, which means he now officially knows which buttons to push.

We have been lucky enough to spend time with many of you this year and for those who we couldn't see, please know that you were missed. We hope that the holidays find you well and that you will have a joyous new year.

Bill and Ginny